2020-03-01 20:26:05 老石谈芯
从事 FPGA 研究的人,应该都知道FPGA领域在世界范围内的顶级学术会议有FPGA,FCCM,FPL和FPT。其中,FPGA每年在美国加州的 Monterey 举办,FCCM 每年在美国各个城市巡回,FPL 每年在欧洲巡回,FPT 每年则在亚洲巡回。就在这几天,FPGA2020正在美国加州如期举办,老石将会在第一时间带来今年FPGA高水平论文的深入解析。
那么有人会问,谁是这个研究领域的大佬?在一篇博客中,有人使用DBLP 论文数据库提供的 Java API 对上面四个会议的论文数据进行了抓取,并总结分析了各位FPGA领域的大牛教授们自会议创建以来的发表记录。接下来,让我们用数据说话,看看谁才是真正的大佬。
1. Jason Cong (25 conferences)
2. Jonathan Rose (19 conferences)
3. Paul Chow (18 conferences)
4. André DeHon, Steven J. E. Wilton (17 conferences)
5. Scott Hauck, Vaughn Betz (15 conferences)
1. Wayne Luk (23 conferences)
2. Peter Y. K. Cheung (18 conferences)
3. George A. Constantinides, Scott Hauck (16 conferences)
4. Maya Gokhale, Viktor K. Prasanna (14 conferences)
5. Brad L. Hutchings, Philip H. W. Leong (13 conferences)
1. Wayne Luk (25 conferences)
2. Manfred Glesner, Peter Y. K. Cheung (20 conferences)
3. Hideharu Amano, Tsutomu Maruyama (19 conferences)
4. Jürgen Becker (17 conferences)
5. George A. Constantinides, Steven J. E. Wilton, Viktor K. Prasanna (16 conferences)
1. Hideharu Amano, Wayne Luk (15 conferences)
2. Steven J. E. Wilton (14 conferences)
3. Philip H. W. Leong (13 conferences)
4. George A. Constantinides, Peter Y. K. Cheung (11 conferences)
5. Jonathan Rose, Jürgen Teich, Paul Chow, Ray C. C. Cheung (10 conferences)
1. Jason Cong (1995 to 2019: 24 years)
1. Paul Chow (1995 to 2019: 24 years)
1. Steven J. E. Wilton (1995 to 2019: 24 years)
1. Vaughn Betz (1995 to 2019: 24 years)
2. Alireza Kaviani (1996 to 2019: 23 years)
2. Michael J. Wirthlin (1996 to 2019: 23 years)
3. Jonathan Rose (1995 to 2017: 22 years)
3. Kurt Keutzer (1997 to 2019: 22 years)
3. Peter M. Athanas (1997 to 2019: 22 years)
3. Rob A. Rutenbar (1997 to 2019: 22 years)
1. Brad L. Hutchings (1995 to 2018: 23 years)
1. Michael J. Wirthlin (1995 to 2018: 23 years)
2. Paul Chow (1996 to 2018: 22 years)
2. Peter Y. K. Cheung (1996 to 2018: 22 years)
2. Wayne Luk (1996 to 2018: 22 years)
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