SMSC CAP1088 8路容性触摸传感器参考设计
2010-01-06 21:35:36
SMSC公司的CAP1088是带LED驱动器的8路容性触摸传感器,包括有可编程灵敏度的8路单独的容性触摸传感器,每个传感器可自动进行重新校准,以补偿环境的变化.主要应用在台式计算机和笔记本电脑,LCD监视器,打印机和家用电器.本文介绍了CAP1088主要特性,方框图, 系统方框图以及容性触摸传感器参考设计电路图.
8 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor with 8 LED Drivers
The CAP1088 is a multiple channel Capacitive Touch sensor with multiple power LED drivers. It contains eight (8) individual Capacitive Touch sensor inputs with programmable sensitivity for use in touch sensor applications. Each sensor automatically recalibrates to
compensate for gradual environmental changes.
The CAP1088 also contains eight (8) LED drivers that offer full-on / off, variable rate blinking, dimness controls, and breathing. Each of the LED drivers may be linked to one of the sensors to be actuated when a touch is detected. As well, each LED driver may be individually controlled via a host controller.
The CAP1088 offers multiple power states operating at low quiescent currents.
During the Standby mode of operation, one or more Capacitive Touch Sensors are active and all LEDs may be used. If a touch is detected, then it will wake the system using the WAKE/SPI_MOSI pin.
The Deep Sleep mode of operation is the lowest power state available drawing 3uA of current. During this mode, no sensors are activethough all LEDs may be used. Driving the WAKE/SPI_MOSI pin or communications will wake the device.
Eight (8) Capacitive Touch Sensor Inputs
— Programmable sensitivity
— Automatic recalibration
— Individual thresholds for each button
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