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[资料] Ogata: Modern Control Engineering: 4th Edition

发表于 2009-11-15 00:13:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 hi_china59 于 2010-6-6 20:41 编辑

Modern Control Engineering
Fourth Edition
Katsuhiko Ogata

Amazon website

Preface k
Chapter 1 Introduction toControl Systems 1
1-1 Introduction1
1-2 Examples ofControl Systems 3
1-3 Closed-LoopControl versus Open-Loop Control 6
1-4 Outline ofthe Book 8

Chapter 2 The Laplace Transform 9
2-1 Introduction9
2-2 Review of Complex Variables and Complex Functions 10
2-3 Laplace Transformation 13
2-4 Laplace Transform theorems 23
2-5 Inverse Laplace Transformation 32
2-6 Partial-Fraction Expansion with MATLAB 36
2-7 SolvingLinear, Time-Invariant, Differential Equations 40

Chapter 3 MathematicalModeling of Dynamic Systems
3-1 Introduction53
3-2 Transfer Function and Impulse-Response Function 55
3-3 Automatic Control Systems 58
3-2 Modeling in State Space 70
3-5 State-SpaceRepresentation of Dynamic Systems 76
3-6 Transformationof Mathematical Models with MATLAB
3-7 Mechanical Systems 85
3-8 Electricaland Electronic Systems 90
3-9 Signal Flow Graphs 104
3-10 Linearizationsof Nonlinear Mathematical Models

Chapter 4 MathematicalModeling of Fluid Systems and Thermal Systems
4-1 Introduction152
4-2 Liquid-Level Systems 153
4-3 Pneumatic Systems 158
4-4 Hydraulic Systems 175
4-5 Thermal Systems 188

Chapter 5 Transient andSteady-State Response Analyses
5-1 Introduction219
5-2 First-Order Systems 221
5-3 Second-Order Systems 224
5-4 Higher Order Systems 239
5-5Transient-Response Analysis with MATLAB 243
5-6 An Example Problem Solved with MATLAB 271
5-7 Routh'sStability Criterion 275
5-8 Effects ofIntegral and Derivative Control Actions on System Performance 281
5-9 Steady-StateErrors in Unity-Feedback Control Systems 288

Chapter 6 Root-LocusAnalysis 337
6-1 Introduction337
6-2 Root-LocusPlots 339
6-3 Summary of General Rules for Constructing Root Loci 351
6-4 Root-Locus Plots with MATLAB 358
6-5 Positive-Feedback Systems 373
6-6 Conditionally Stable Systems 378
6-7 Root Locifor Systems with Transport Lag 379

Chapter 7 Control SystemsDesign by the Root-Locus Method 416
7-1 Introduction416
7-2 Preliminary Design Considerations 419
7-3 Lead Compensation 421
7-4 Lag Compensation 429
7-5 Lag-Lead Compensation 439
7-6 Parallel Compensation 451

Chapter 8 Frequency-ResponseAnalysis 492
8-1 Introduction 492
8-2 Bode Diagrams 497
8-3 Plotting Bode Diagrams with MATLAB 516
8-4 Polar Plots 523
8-5 Drawing Nyquist Plots with MATLAB 531
8-6 Log-Magnitude-versus-Phase Plots 539
8-7 Nyquìst Stability Criterion 540
8-8 Stability Analysis 550
8-9 Relative Stability 560
8-10 Closed-Loop Frequency Response of Unity-Feedback Systems 575
8-11 Experimental Determination of Transfer Functions 584

Chapter 9 Control Systems Design by Frequency Response
9-1 Introduction 618
9-2 Lead Compensation 621
9-3 Lag Compensation 630
9-4 Lag-LeadCompensation 639
9-5 Concluding Comments 645

Chapter 10 PID Controlsand Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Control Systems
10-1 Introduction 681
10-2 Tuning Rules for PID Controllers 682
10-3 Computational Approach to Obtain Optimal Sets of Parameter Values 692
10-4 Modifications of PID Control Schemes 700
10-5 Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Control 703
10-6 Zero-Placement Approach to Improve Response Characteristics 705

Chapter 11 Analysis ofControl Systems in State Space
11-1 Introduction 752
11-2 State-Space Representations of Transfer-Function Systems 753
11-3 Transformation of System Models with MATLAB 760
11-4 Solving the Time-Invariant State Equation 764
11-5 Some Useful Results in Vector-Matrix Analysis 772
11-6 Controllability 779
11-7 Observability 786

Chapter 12 Design ofControl Systems in State Space 826
12-1 Introduction 826
12-2 Pole Placement 827
12-3 Solving Pole-Placement Problems with MATLAB 839
12-4 Design of Servo Systems 843
12-5 State Observers855
12-6 Design of Regulator Systems with Observers 882
12-7 Design of Control Systems with Observers 890
12-8 Quadratic Optimal Regulator Systems 897


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 11:33:46 | 显示全部楼层

3th instead of 4th solution manual.

本帖最后由 hi_china59 于 2009-11-15 11:39 编辑

Warning: This is 3th instead of 4th solution manual.
Modern Control Engineering
Katsuhiko Ogata


4.88 MB, 下载次数: 116 , 下载积分: 资产 -3 信元, 下载支出 3 信元


4.88 MB, 下载次数: 107 , 下载积分: 资产 -3 信元, 下载支出 3 信元


3.8 MB, 下载次数: 91 , 下载积分: 资产 -2 信元, 下载支出 2 信元

发表于 2009-11-22 17:24:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-24 00:08:19 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2009-11-24 00:21:54 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2009-11-28 01:52:39 | 显示全部楼层
1# hi_china59
发表于 2009-11-28 01:54:37 | 显示全部楼层
7# gengyadian79
发表于 2009-11-28 12:24:58 | 显示全部楼层
Q: 只有489页,太可惜了。最好有提供全书的
A: Your comment is not true at all.  This post's ebook has 978 pages from top to bottom.
发表于 2009-11-28 13:59:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-28 15:17:20 | 显示全部楼层
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